Tuesday, May 17, 2011

F*ckin' Dishes...

There's one thing I hate more than stepping in water with socks on, and that's dirty ass dishes (well, that and clowns). As I step into the kitchen yesterday I realized that I have indeed slacked on the dish department. I felt guilty... real guilty, so I called to the almighty Dish Fairy to save me.

(Set to the tune of O' Christmas Tree)
"O' Dish Fairy
O' Dish Fairy
Please come and do this glass for me
O' Dish Fairy
O' Dish Fairy
I'm out of soap and I have to pee

I promised her, 2 weeks ago
If they're not done, back home I go
O' Dish Fairy
O' Dish Fairy
Please come and do this glass for me..."

Damn... the little bastard never showed.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Healthy for my family...

The other day I went to put on a pair of my shorts... "tried" being the key word. "Son of a B*tch!" were the exact words to escape my lips. Where the hell did all this extra weight come from? I sure don't remember giving my body permission to store ANY extra sh*t. So I went to put on another pair of shorts... "WTF??" I quickly decided that I needed to get my fat ass into shape. Not only to expand my wardrobe (with clothes I already own) but to be healthy and alive so I can enjoy my family and my new son. Bad enough I get friggin' winded bringing up a 24 pack of water... I refuse to be winded lifting my son. So... starting this week, I'm going to eat healthier and start to walk/ride my bike. Soon after I will join the gym and get back into shape. I will be keeping a personal log on my progress here so I can be guilted into completing the task... wish me luck!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nothing lovely about Love Bugs...

Welcome to Florida, it's Love Bug season! What exactly are love bugs you ask? They are the the bane of my exsistance about twice a year. The come in like a biblical plague and ruin everything their path, including your car. While driving, it resembles black snowflakes during a Nor' Easta, only it leaves a pretty little green splat that eats the paint off your car. Oh love bugs, I do not like you flying into my mouth as I walk to the car, flying into my ears as I walk through the parking lot, or fluttering behind my sunglasses. The worst part of all, you do this while fornicating so all of the free world can witness your activities. My dear exhibitionists of the animal kingdom, please refrain from shagging in broad daylight and do it someplace else. You're f*cking up my day.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Noise Demon

I don’t know what it is about the words “Please be quiet” or “Quietly please, so-and-so is sleeping” But it releases within my child a demon; a noise making demon of untold decimal proportions. Suddenly there is dire need for every faucet to be turned on; every drawer and cupboard slammed, twice. Noah is always ready to rise to the occasion. He somehow manages to whisper at a yelling volume while repeating himself continually. No quiet time is complete without a song *sigh. Tasks that were once completed seamlessly now required an audible narration of its progress. My usually graceful (sometimes graceful) child magically transforms to an all thumbs baby giraffe, clanking through the home, crashing into walls, falling out of chairs, dropping dishes. My reluctant little helper instantaneously feels the need to rearrange cabinets, rustle through silverware, dump out Legos, cause damn it, it’s cleaning time. There is no “SSSSSHHHHHH!!!” stifling enough to shush that child, no angry eyes fierce enough, no threatening gesture intimidating enough , for it is too late, the demon is upon us. Next time I’ll try duct tape…

Friday, May 13, 2011

I was scared... seriously.

Have you ever had that feeling that no matter what you say or do, it's never the right thing? Well... Today wasn't one of those days! Today I approached Autumn with the idea of Dominos. I was thrilled with the idea, yet I was nervous to bring it up. Would she bitch at me for wanting to spend money? Would she break down and cry cause she didn't want pizza? Would Autumn strike me for what ever reason deemed necessary at that moment? Nope! She completely agreed! We got some killer pizza and indulged our inner fat kid and ate the entire thing... *sigh. This pregnancy is making ME fat...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Can a brotha get a decent Chicken Caesar salad?

I've been on a mission for the past few months to track down a decent chicken caesar salad to no avail. It's either to bland, made with lunch meat, greasy as a hobos private region, or just plain crap. The best one I had was at the Shark Pit inside of Ron Johns Surf Shop on Cocoa Beach, but you need to take out a small private loan to eat there. It would be ok I suppose, but having a pregnant partner and her need to sample the entire republic of china, can run up a bill (Just kidding Autumn, I love ya). Publix has a passable one, and 7-11 has a decent wrap but neither are fresh. So I ask, where can a brotha get a decent chicken caesar around this place?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's a BOY!!

About 2 weeks ago Autumn and I found out that we are having a little demon (Boy)! At the Ultrasound, we saw the tike booty bounce and shake it like a pro; wave off the camera and turn around and moon us. It's SOOOO my son! Thanks to our friend Kelly who suggested Autumn drink OJ. It was like cirque du soleil in the womb.

The long walk home...

Autumn and I decided that a morning walk on the beach was needed, so we geared up and made our way outside. What we walked into felt like the butt crack of a long flight passenger. It was hot, humid and oppressive with little wind. We sauntered our way to the beach where we were greeted by a wonderful sea breeze... We walked, laughed, made fun of the wild life (people) and enjoyed every moment... until we realized what we had done: walked a sh*t ton more than expected. The walk back was long, but the company was good I must say. I adore every minute we spend together...

After many requests...

After many nights of talking, with little action (shush, not what you think) I finally set up the blog of our adventures and daily doings. Autumn and I talked about what a wonderful journey this will be, and wanted to show the little ones (Noah and +1) all the good times and Epicly humorous things that transpire, plus share them with everyone, cause let's face it, we're pretty damn funny!